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About A.L.L.I.E.S.

Grow The Leader, Evolve The Industry


​The Travel A.L.L.I.E.S. Society’s mission is to bring together travel agency leaders with the goal of enhancing their leadership skills.  Through collaboration and educational event opportunities, A.L.L.I.E.S. members  learn strategies, tactics and techniques that empower them to more successfully lead as well as gain a network of likeminded individuals that they can lean on for support and advice.   A.L.L.I.E.S. members lead with integrity, value loyalty and garnish industry respect which collectively builds significant vendor relationships and amplifies our members effectiveness.


The Travel A.L.L.I.E.S. Society is an organization that fosters leadership for those who have boldly stepped into an authoritative position in their travel company.


Our members are a select group of individuals that lead travel agencies.  As leaders, our members are committed to operating our businesses with integrity and treating our vendors and business associates with respect.  


Our members honor commitments, hold confidences and regard trust as integral in fortifying leadership.  A.L.L.I.E.S. members are the “go to” leaders that serve on advisory boards and are sought after by industry trade publications to interview when travel news breaks.  


By continually striving for excellence, our members have a long list of accolades and awards.  A.L.L.I.E.S. members prioritize learning, collaborating, and sharing best practices with each other as we whole heartedly believe that a rising tide raises all ships.   When our industry is faced with difficult times, A.L.L.I.E.S. support and encourage each other because leading during crisis is not easy. 


Understanding that in order to grow a business, you must grow the leader, The Travel A.L.L.I.E.S. Society has created dedicated leadership learning events that include the Female Leaders in Travel Conclave, the Young Leaders in Travel Council and the Elevating Your Leadership Symposium. 


What we are not:


  • We are not a consortia

  • We are not a host agency

  • We are not consumer facing

  • We are not a political lobbying group

  • We are not training or educating new travel advisors

  • We are not a certification channel

  • We are not an events company

  • We are not evaluators of an agency’s business plans or profitability

  • We are not competitors of other travel industry associations, organizations or a consortia as our goal is to amplify the leadership of those who participate within these institutions.  It is our belief that the greatest impact on the success of a business relies on the strength of its leader!


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